On September 19, 2019, I along with my teammates, Matthew and Michelle, and the supporter team, which consisted of Alexandra, Bryan, Keisha, Reynold. Ricky, and Vicky. joined the Noble Scholar Competition in the Trivia Category, and we won the second place. It was actually the first time I made it to the final of any competitions, and I could confidently say that I was proud of myself and my team for being able to make it that far.
The competition itself was pretty difficult. The questions were not too hard to answer, but there was still so much pressure because we had to be faster than our opponents, who were all very smart and talented. Needless to say. I was extremely nervous throughout the entire competition, but with the help of my friends who supported us all the way, I was able to get through it... read more
SMP Plus Dian Kasih melakukan perjalanan kunjungan ke kota yang terkenal dengan julukan Kota Kembang. Berangkat dad Jakarta pada pukul 06.00 pagi, kami liba di Bandung pada pukul 09.30. Tujuan pertama kami adalah NuArt Sculpture Park yang merupakan milik Bapak Nyoman Nuarta, salah satu pengrajin patung yang temyata membuat patung Garuda Wisnu Kencana.
Setelah mengikuti workshop dan melihat-lihat hasil seni di NuArt Sculpture Park, kami melanjutkan perjalanan menuju Museum Geologi Bandung di mana kami bisa melihat berbagai jenis batu-batuan dan bentuk permukaan bumi. Ada simulasi gempa juga loh, namun sayang sekali ternyata operator mesinnya sedang istirahat... readmore

Evalorin Lomak Margaretta

Yusliawati, M.Th

Erik Kurniawan, S.Kom